
Posted on Wednesday, June 23, 2010
So, according to David (one of my three followers), my blog has died due to lack of activity and my oversight regarding the new blog link.

In an effort to resuscitate my internet fame, I'm not only posting the link to the new blog: http://rickystillloveslulu.wordpress.com/, I'm also putting out the link to http://newhandsweepstakes.com/, a blog primarily written by people who are significantly smarter and more motivated than I am, but that I occasionally contribute to.

So, y'know, you should probably read those.


Posted on Friday, June 04, 2010
Blogger and I are breaking up. Yeah, you heard me. From now on-ish, I will be on Wordpress. Probably.


Posted on Tuesday, June 01, 2010
I feel like a big, lifeless blob-puddle-person. It's the same absolutely zero energy feeling I get when I sick, except I'm not sick (please please please). I think it's a combination of allergy meds and my girl parts mutinying and threatening to fall out, but whatever the reason, all the fun, exciting, productive things I was planning when I drove home at 8:30 this morning are looking like they're going to have to wait.

To recap:

I went up to my parents' house in Evergreen last night so as to be on-hand to drive my mom to surgery (she's getting her eyelids done - what a weirdo thing to get surgeried) at the ass-crack of dawn this morning. I stayed up until about 1:00 waiting for my laundry to finish, which really isn't that late, especially as any tiredness I would feel in the morning would not be coupled with a hangover. I go night-night.

I wake up at 5:30 to eyes that are simultaneously streaming and goopy, a nose that's doing the same thing and violent, earthquake-inducing sneezing. Oh, and the curtains are open just enough to let the morning sunlight punch me squarely in the retinas, which I, in my pre-coffee, snot-addled state decide my mom must have done on purpose just to fuck with me, and how could she not have ensured that the curtains were closed properly so that I, her 25 year-old daughter/surgery chauffeur could be well-rested?

About five seconds and 2,000 sneezes later I realized I was being a giant whiny baby and got up to close the curtains myself. I also realized I need to stop assuming people are out to ruin my life solely based on the fact that they're the only other person in the house.

Anyways, my mom yet again proved her superior mothering skills when she presented me with a box of allergy medicine (as I had, like a tool, left my knock-off Claritin at home). Unfortunately, my body likes to react very strangely to allergy medicine, and right around the time I was getting home, all my dreams of early-morning productivity (ie, dog-bathing, a trip to the optometrist, bathing, Starbucks) had given way to dreams of going back to sleep.

So after a three-hour nap, and then roughly two hours of sitting on my couch reading other peoples' blogs, I'm maybe ready for a shower, and definitely ready for a movie. And that's the beauty of summer vacation: little to no consequences for allergy-induced procrastination.


Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I am currently on my last (didja hear that? LAST) week of school. Like, ever. As of Friday, I will no longer be a librarian (I'm thinking of it as more of a hiatus so as to avoid a complete identity crisis). While I'm super stoked for summer, and crazy worn-out from all of the last-second shit that's been getting piled on me at work (Field Day, two, count 'em, two teacher moving days, a book fair...the list goes on and on), there are a lot of things about this job that I'll miss. My students, my coworkers, the library itself and the quiet satisfaction of all my books in their places, read-alouds. This ending of an, albiet brief, era, coupled with a chat regarding the ex-boyfriend-who-shall-not-be-named, has me in an oddly melancholic mood.

In an effort to combat this, I'm trying to focus on all the super-awesome shit I'm planning on doing this summer:
Lots of trips here and here.

Good thing they're so close!

There will be jaunts to Lakeside:

It's fun because you might actually die!

And camping and baking and bicycle riding and dog walking and park-drinking. It's going to be a-ma-zing.

Now, off to one of my favorite summer rituals, late-night grocery shopping! It's the last week of school, I go to bed when I want.

Denver I love you, but you're freaking me out.

Posted on Monday, May 03, 2010
Wow. So I know I've said this before, but I really am terrible at blogging. My last post was in, what, November? Unacceptable. I would fire myself if I could find someone else who sounded like me to keep this pitiful excuse for a blog going. Be assured, fair reader, that I am slapping myself on the wrist even as I write this.

So, news. I'm not bothering with old news, because, well, it's old and if you're reading this, you've probably already heard all about it. So, new news.

I am moving to Washington at the end of summer.

"But Caitlyn," You're surely saying to yourself in shocked tones, "Why would you leave? Aren't you the one always talking about how much you love Denver? Weren't you just talking about how stoked you are that your parents live here now? Isn't your brother moving to Denver this summer? What the fuck?"

And this is the point in the conversation where I press your sweet little head, precious lower lip all a-quiver, into my bosom and say, "Shhh".

I do love Denver. I always will. But I need out for a while. So, without further ado, I present the motivating factors behind this possibly-harebrained scheme of mine:

1) I have lived in Denver for 7 years. I have lived in Colorado for 14. That's a really long fucking time.

2) I'm planning on going to grad school some time in the near future. I will not be applying anywhere in Colorado. If I move now, I can establish residency, therefore avoiding being face fucked with the engorged cock of out-of-state tuition.

3) Spokane is insanely cheap.

4) I have people there.

So yes, I love Denver. It will always be my home, but if I don't leave now, it's going to turn into a bad ex-boyfriend. So I'm making the mature decision to leave before we hate each other and get in a custody fight over the couch.